Mania’s goal is to provide the knowledge, experience, and expertise of that of a small studio that is dedicated to Independent Producers. Our focus is to work as part of your team and treat your projects as our own. We work with you to ensure that your production is done artstically as you envisage it, on time, on budget efficiently and with the best possible chance of Commercial success.
Our Services include all of the below, and more, and because each project is unique we strive to find tailormade solutions for every Film. Please submit your Script / Material below to get the ball rolling with an initial evaluation. Typically you will receive a response within five business days of receipt.
Not ready to send material and just want some quick answers? What ever stage you are at we can help! Just click below to set up a private one-on-one consultation.
We look forward to hearing from you and thank you for your business! Contact Us!
Script Review Services
Script Treatment
Script Polish
Script Re-Write
Script Coverage
Margin Notes
Line Edits
Proofread & Formatting
Teleplay Coverage
Short Film Coverage
Story Analysis
Concept Analysis
Film Development & Financing
Detailed Film Business Plan
Detailed Analytics
Budget Creation
Online Look Book
LLC Structure
PPM & Sub Docs
Detailed Legal Counseling
General Counseling
Financing LOI and Distribution LOI & MG